Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages of life that a woman can experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to some seriously unpleasant and weird side effects.
As your body undergoes numerous internal changes, some of these indicators are given no choice but to rear their ugly heads on the surface.
It’s as if no portion of our poor bodies are off-limits as pregnancy symptoms can make themselves known from literally head to toe.
Here are 10 pregnancy symptoms that may not only embarrass you, but can also cause intense discomfort if not physically then at least psychologically or emotionally.
1. Gas – Aka Farts. Lots and Lots of Farts
Yup. You may find yourself farting more than usual and embarrassing yourself in all sorts of situations.
Why? As your body begins to produce more progesterone to support your pregnancy, your body muscles relax, including those of your intestine.
The relaxation slows down the digestion process, allowing gas to build up.
You may experience it in the form of flatulence, cramps, bloating, or burping.
Moreover, your appetite and taste buds take a hit during pregnancy and your body may have some adjusting to do if you find yourself suddenly eating a plethora of unusual food combinations.
2. Incontinence – Yes You May Start Peeing Yourself
In some cases, your pride may be the only thing feeling the hurt.
While you may have had full control of your bladder your whole life leading up until this point, you may suddenly find yourself accidentally wetting your pants due to everyday gestures as basic as laughing.
The occurrence is so common, you might as well laugh it off…
3. Facial Hair – Beard Anyone?
Not actually painful but definitely another pride-hitter, you may notice new facial hair growth.
In fact it’s not just on your face where you might notice new hair growth.
Your arms, stomach and chest may also become hairier. This is the result of the hormonal changes your body is undergoing and luckily is only temporary.
Take a leaf out of Adele’s book and accept your new found hirsuteness with grace and humor.
4. Hemorrhoids – Lumpy Butt
Finding sore, painful lumps in your nether regions is an almost guaranteed indicator of hemorrhoids.
As your pregnancy progresses, there’s an abundance of pressure bearing down on your southern parts and that can result in hemorrhoids.
The baby’s presence begins to push some things to the side—even physically out of the way—possibly causing painful lumps in the anal (and sometimes vaginal) region.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about OTC and prescription creams that may be able to ease the potential soreness of this experience during your pregnancy.
5. Odors – You Now Stink
Yet another symptom that is more psychologically challenging than actually painful is this – you may start to stink.
Suddenly soaps that once deodorized without a problem seemingly aren’t doing the trick.
New fluids are abundant in your lady part area, causing new discharges and unfamiliar odors.
Rest assured, the changes in odor are completely normal during pregnancy and actually a good sign that your body is adjusting to its new situation.
6. Breasts Swelling Like Melons
Many women will note extreme breast swelling and tenderness as an early indicator of pregnancy.
While you may have always wished to be a few extra cup sizes bigger, you may not have chosen to have them expand like balloons in the space of a few weeks.
Your breasts have been triggered to begin the early process of preparing to fuel your ducts for breast milk production, causing extensive changes and resulting in some major swelling and tenderness.
7. Acne – Spots Everywhere
You’re fully grown, possibly married, established and having a baby, and suddenly your face (along with your back and butt) looks like you’re 13 again.
Just as was experienced with the onset of hormonal changes when you were a youth, so now may you find yourself with sudden, unexplainable pimples that are miraculous survivors of even your best skin care regimen.
They can be big, painful and even embarrassing.
On the bright side, the influx and adjustment to hormonal levels will also cause your skin to glow (hopefully), a physical side effect that most pregnant women look forward to, and one that is often noticed most by others.
We take the good with the bad, the bad with the good.
8. Intimacy Issues – The Sex Drive Rollercoaster
It’s either up or it’s down and often nowhere in between. Your sex drive may feel like it’s on an out of control roller coaster during pregnancy.
A natural dip in libido at this time, accompanied by your mental and physical adjustment to your growing tummy, may unintentionally hurt your partner’s feelings if communicated as a personal rejection.
So while not physically painful this pregnancy symptom can definitely be emotionally painful.
On the contrary, you may find yourself unstoppable in the bedroom, which is a major bonus for both you and your partner.
9. Extreme Vomiting – Nothing Funny About This One
There’s nothing funny or embarrassing about this pregnancy symptom but it may cause a lot of physical pain.
Early on in pregnancy, your body is producing very high levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, more than it will at any other period of your pregnancy.
As a result of this influx, you may be unfortunate enough to experience frequent and/or constant vomiting. So much so that you are unable to do much else.
As is the case with any excessive vomiting, the lining of your esophagus, your throat, and your gag reflex muscles could be overused, sore and very tender if you’re one of the unfortunate sufferers of this pregnancy symptom.
10. Swollen Feet – Sausage Toes
Think of Violet Beauregarde in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Yes, you may start swelling up out of the blue just like Violet, especially around the toes, feet, and legs.
Water retention is huge during pregnancy, especially during the final trimester.
It’s in your best interest to rest with your legs elevated for extended periods of time during this stage, which will help alleviate the swelling.
Although swollen feet and water retention are extremely common side effects of pregnancy, it’s important to keep an eye on your symptoms and inform your doctor of any concerns.
Extremely swollen limbs during pregnancy can also be an indicator of preeclampsia, a condition that impairs kidney/liver function, causes blood clots, and could seriously impact a safe delivery of a healthy, full-term baby.
So there we have it. Ten pregnancy symptoms that may embarrass you and will definitely hurt in some way or another!
- https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/7-embarrassing-pregnancy-symptoms
- https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/gas-during-pregnancy/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3671107/
- https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/news/a56006/grow-pregnancy-beard/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2278306/
- https://www.health.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-acne
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/severe-vomiting-in-pregnancy-hyperemesis-gravidarum/
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/expert-answers/swelling-during-pregnancy/faq-20058467