Romance and love are something that nearly everyone strives to achieve. We define it for ourselves, but that also means we can sometimes be blind to unhealthy relationships. You can only learn so much without any experience, and once you do learn, what’s to stop you from finding something else the next time?
A couples therapist named Jeff Guenther has taken to social media platforms, sharing the signs that you’re in a good, fruitful relationship.
Sign number one: Guenther stresses that the first sign is that you know what your partner doesn’t like about you, and they are okay with it.
Guenter said, “you are able to participate in co-regulation – so when one person is activated, the other can act as a calming source that will help ground you.” This also helps with independence and motivation.
“You feel the most loved and super connected when you are being your authentic self.” This means that couples don’t have to walk on eggshells and pretend to be someone that they aren’t.
“You are interdependent on each other, which means you feel solid in the bond you share while maintaining a strong sense of self.” A couple that can rely on each other for anything while still feeling independent.
“You feel safe saying “no” or setting a boundary and confident it will be respected.” Not being afraid of how your partner will react if they can’t get what they want is a huge step to a good relationship.
“You know that if your perspectives are different about a specific event, they can both be true and valid.” Being able to not let your ego blind you to what’s important is a good thing. At the end of the day, it’s not a competition.
“physical intimacy feels playful, safe, and confident.” Not having a good physical connection will drag down the relationship in multiple ways.
“You’re able to repair and reconnect after a fight and learn from the experience.”
“you are being relationally and emotionally challenged which can feel a bit uncomfortable at times but its good for your overall development.”
Finally, the last sign, “You feel like your partner sees you in a really positive light.” If you don’t feel confident that your partner wholeheartedly loves who you are then that will do wonders for your relationship. This should be felt both ways.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13422877/therapist-reveals-signs-healthy-relationship.html