Most men will admit that dealing with a woman’s changing moods can be quite a challenge.
They are our wives, girlfriends and the mothers of our children, and we love them, but unfortunately there’s no manual to help us navigate the complexity of their hearts and minds.
And the truth is their moods can become even more complicated and confusing when pregnant.
Pregnancy is a time when you may find yourself on a very bumpy road.
One characterized by the massive hormonal changes in her body and resulting mood swings.
During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes hundreds of changes which will effect everything from her sense of smell and her energy levels, to the foods she wants to eat and her sex drive – and all of these changes are going to effect you too.
Mood changes are inevitable but it’s how you cope with them that’s the important thing.
So here you’ll find some insights into how to manage any mood swings and keep your relationship in a positive place.
9 Sure Ways to Cope with Wife’s Mood Swings during Pregnancy
1. Be Patient…always
Patience is probably the most important trait that you need to adopt in order to be able to cope with your pregnant wife’s changes in mood.
You can’t afford to be irritable with a pregnant woman otherwise you’ll find yourself frustrated 99% of the time.
Something to be mindful of is that any ‘moodiness’ is only temporary.
Whenever you feel frustrated take a deep breath, count to ten or go do something else for a while.
You will probably find that whatever was making her moody will subside as quickly as it arose.
2. Love her growing body
Feeling that she is no longer attractive may be causing some of her mood swings.
She may not like the protruding tummy, or the fact that she doesn’t fit into her favorite clothes.
Anything and everything can irritate a pregnant woman but feeling heavy and unsexy is a big one.
All women experience huge body changes such as growing breasts (which is not always welcome if they’re sore) and weight gain which can be hard for her to get used to.
The important things is to let her know (frequently) you still find her attractive.
Most of all reassure her that you’ll always be her love regardless of the changes her body may go through.
3. Accept Appetite Changes
Pregnant women can get very particular about what they eat.
I know; before she got pregnant everything in your home was ‘ours’.
I could eat her bar of chocolate and she’d still be okay because after all, I am the Hubby.
When she gets pregnant this narrative may disappear for some time.
What’s mine is ours, what’s hers is hers, end of story.
Do not touch her food!
Well, unless you are passing it to her. Even when you buy something for yourself she may want it as soon as she sees it.
In order to avoid her going ballistic it’s best if you just accept that all food in the house belongs to her.
Just do it.
4. No petty arguments
If you want to survive this pregnancy peacefully, arguing tit for tat is a habit you’re going to have to shelve.
For instance, if for some reason she yells at you; try not to respond in anger.
No good will come of it; if anything, it will only make her mood worse.
I know we don’t like being yelled at but for the sake of a peaceful pregnancy, try to respond to her softly, with love and care.
Sometimes pregnant women have emotional outbursts, they yell, cry, or get annoyed for no apparent reason.
Getting involved in petty arguments will only provoke her more.
As the husband or boyfriend you need to be the peace-maker of the house.
Do whatever you can to make her feel better.
5. Take her out
She may be feeling tired, uncomfortable and unattractive but one way to lift her mood is to take her out.
Partying and extreme sports will be out, but date nights will help lighten up the days which means less mood swings to deal with.
Things like such going out to watch a movie, eating out, or a road trip will go down well.
6. Take nothing personally
As already mentioned, the changing hormones can transform your once quiet wife into someone you don’t really recognize.
She may yell, cry, and scream for no clear reason that you can pinpoint.
She may say things that she doesn’t really mean.
Do take her concerns seriously but at the same time don’t take anything she says or does personally.
Be as understanding as you can.
It may be the hormones at work.
7. You shall not forget
If she asks you to buy something on your way from work, you better not forget.
Otherwise you may come home to a very upset girlfriend.
If you do forget the pickles she’s been craving or the antacid for her heartburn, admit it’s your fault (without sulking) then get your coat back on and go get what she needs.
If she’s has mentioned something pregnancy related such as the next appointment with the gynecologist, a test date or antenatal class don’t forget it!
Write it down if necessary or sync up your calendars.
8. Create bonding time
It’s really important to spend quality time together and it’s a great way to cope with and soothe any moodiness.
The closer she feels to you the less her moods will negatively affect the relationship.
Come home early whenever you can and prepare dinner either together.
Join her in her pregnancy exercises and set aside some Netflix and chill time.
Use the time to listen to her about anything that’s on her mind.
Ask her about how she’s feeling and talk about your plans together.
If you’re proactive she’ll feel loved and supported and this may lessen any potential moodiness.
9. Do your research on pregnancy and childbirth
You can’t care for your pregnant wife effectively if you don’t know what is going on in her body.
Do some research; at times she will not understand what’s happening herself and will need you to help.
If you do your research it will help you understand your pregnant wife better and you’ll be in a better position to support her.
10. Recharge Yourself
You’ll probably find yourself under a lot of pressure during pregnancy.
Along with your significant other’s fluctuating moods there’s a lot of other stuff to cope with, especially financially.
So make sure you give yourself time to kick back, recharge and relieve stress.
It’ll help you cope with everything you have going on and be a better support to your partner.
Always remember that you are half responsible for why she is behaving differently.
The best ways to cope with her moods are to be patient, loving, thoughtful and supportive.
We cannot carry the pregnancy for our wives, but we can support them along the way.
- https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/mood-swings-during-pregnancy/
- https://www.livescience.com/51043-pregnancy-emotions.html
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-pregnant-pause/201808/what-you-need-know-about-pregnancy-mood-swings
- https://raisingchildren.net.au/pregnancy/dads-guide-to-pregnancy/early-pregnancy/moods-morning-sickness
- https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/pregnant-wife/
- http://www.daddyfiles.com/13-things-prego-women/