When it comes to going into labor and giving birth no well thought out choice is “wrong”.
There are only two ways that baby is coming out, either naturally or by c-section surgery and each way can seem very scary and intimidating to different women.
There is no moral judgement about which you find the scariest or which you feel the most anxiety around.
Labor and birthing are just like the women and babies who go through them. No two deliveries are exactly the same and what works for one person doesn’t always work for everyone else.
No matter how you choose to deliver there’s never a wrong choice, just the right choice for you.
Before deciding how you want to deliver, have a candid conversation with your doctor or midwife and your partner.
Be sure you’re armed with all the information you need to make the most informed decision that is best for you and your baby.
Your doctor should be able to thoroughly inform you about all the pros and cons of both delivery methods, and may make suggestions about what they feel will be the best choice for you and your baby’s unique situation.
Keep in mind that if you are delivering for your first time, and you don’t have any medical reason to schedule a c-section, your doctor may advise against it. Some hospitals these days will even refuse to do a scheduled c-section unless it is medically necessary.
So if that’s the route you wish to take, it’s important to make sure you’re on the same page as your doctor and the hospital you wish to deliver at.
While it is not wrong in any way to want to get a c-section instead of birthing naturally, you may find that (depending on where you live) it’s difficult to find doctors who will do it without a specific need or emergency situation.
While scheduling may make you feel like you’re more in control of your delivery, keep in mind that most doctors will not schedule a c-section earlier than thirty-nine weeks unless it’s medically necessary.
Therefore, you will still need to remain flexible and understand that your baby may decide to come before your scheduled surgery date.
The one thing I can tell you for sure is that there’s no wrong decision when it comes to giving birth.
Some moms feel more comfortable and in control having that date set in their mind, knowing that’s the day they have to have everything done by.
Only you and your doctor can decide what is the right choice for you and your baby.