When you first find out you’re pregnant, a million things go through your mind, but then you settle a little and get on with the business of growing a baby within your womb.
As your pregnancy progresses however, you then start to think about the inevitable event which is looming on the horizon – childbirth.
Whether you’ve done it once before, twice before, six times before, or never before, every single labor and birth is different.
Every woman experiences different things, and every single woman has a different pain tolerance level.
It’s impossible to predict how a labor is going to turn out and it’s equally (if not more so) impossible to predict exactly how your baby is going to be born.
Oh, the wonder of childbirth!
What you can do however is prepare yourself as much as possible, and a good way to do that is through childbirth classes.
What is a Childbirth Class?
The name is a little misleading in some ways, because childbirth classes don’t teach you actually how to give birth.
Giving birth is something that will come naturally depending upon your situation in labor, and with the guidance of your midwife or doctor.
What a childbirth class actually does is teach you coping mechanisms, pain relief methods, and it arms you with all the information you could possibly need.
It is basically all about preparation, and that is something money can’t buy!
You can do childbirth classes in many different settings.
It could be at your local birthing unit, run by a midwife, at a local community center, usually run by a community midwife, or you can do them online also.
Here are five benefits of childbirth classes, to help you decide if you should take them well before your due date.
1. Build Your Confidence Prior to Childbirth
Childbirth is a scary thing, no matter how many times you’ve done it before.
As we just mentioned, no one labor is the same as any other, and the unexpected can be worrying.
A good way to counteract that worry is by being as prepared as possible and as confident as possible.
The more confident you feel in your ability to give birth, the better you will cope, and the more you will actually enjoy your birthing experience – yes, it is possible!
First-time mothers often worry about childbirth more than those who have done it before, and that’s entirely normal and natural.
There is nothing abnormal about worrying about how a baby that size is going to come out of a gap that small!
Your confidence will be built up massively by taking these childbirth classes, and as a result you will be able to deal with whatever your labor throws at you with ease.
2. Discuss Your Fears With Like-Minded Individuals
You are in a class with several other pregnant women, their partners, midwives, and healthcare professionals – is there a better place to ask questions and get reliable, quality information? Not likely.
No question is too crazy, too stupid, or too large/small, and you will not be the only one asking it!
This is the ideal forum to discuss the fears you have and find out the real answers.
Again, this all does a fantastic job of building up your confidence levels.
You will also be given information about the other aspects of labor that you might not consider.
These may include the emotional side of things, your actual childbirth options, going skills, and what is happening inside your body at every stage of the labor process.
3. Your Partner Will Learn How to Support You
Taking your partner to childbirth classes with you helps to share the experience and help your partner feel involved.
These classes are also great for helping them learn how to support you when you’re in labor too.
One of the biggest fears of partners is that they just don’t know what to do when their wife or girlfriend goes into labor.
They feel useless and want to make her feel better, but can’t.
Childbirth classes give a wealth of information on methods to support and help a woman in labor, while also giving information on exactly what is going on at every stage.
4. Learn About Pain Relief Options
One of the biggest worries women having about childbirth is pain, without a doubt.
Childbirth classes will give you all the information on pain relief options available to you in labor, including medications, if need be.
You will also learn about other ways to relieve pain, such as breathing techniques, relaxation, and massage.
Again, this is something your partner can learn about, and they can also help you with relieving pain, through massage and encouraging you to breathe in the right way.
Knowing your options gives you a well-informed experience and when the time comes, you can make the best decision for you, alongside advice from your midwife and doctor.
5. Tour The Facility and Learn About Equipment
If your childbirth class is located in a birthing center, you will usually be able to tour the unit and see where your labor will take place.
You can also ask questions about any of the equipment you see, which will take away any fears you might have about medical equipment – sometimes it looks scary, but it’s really not!
You can also ask questions about any routine practices the unit has, such as electronic fetal monitoring, and freedom of movement during labor.
Childbirth classes are a fantastic way to arm yourself with all the knowledge you could possibly need before the big day arrives.
The more you know, the more calm and confident you will feel.
As a result, you will be better able to focus and attempt to enjoy the whole birthing experience.
Believe it or not, it can be done, and when you know exactly what is going on, you will find the enjoyment side of it is far more achievable than you might think.